Do you have the time?

Out of Time?

No matter whether you are from North Pole, southern Australia, or even “Middle of No where”, we all have the same amount of it.  Regardless of how rich or poor, we all have the same amount of it also.

it’s Time.

It’s been said that the time is the most valuable thing one can spend, when it’s gone we can’t never have it back.  Perhaps due to it’s one directional nature – forward, photography – still images and videos – is one of the few ways to capture times past and it’s ever so popular.

Now, one of my favourite movies of all time happens to be “Back to the Future”, where it introduced me to the fascinating subject of Time – the subject of time travel and its effect on people. Ironically, how time flies, the movie was released more than 30 years ago – 32 1/2 years to be exact – in July 3, 1985. So without further delay, here are some of the fascinating facts about Time.

Time what?

A mind boggling concept of time. 


Icarus, which is located 9 billion light-years away, was visible only because of a technique called gravitational lensing. : NASA, ESA, and P. Kelly (University of Minnesota)

Astronomers have observed a star that’s so far away, its light took 9 billion years to reach us here on Earth — about 4.5 billion years before our solar system even existed. Compared to average human life span is around 80 – 90 years.

Longest Living Mammal on Earth


Bowhead Whales – 
Rasmus Due Nielsen

While talking about the average human life span, the bowhead whale (also known as the artic whale) is one of the longest living mammals on Earth. The oldest known bowhead whale is at least 211 years old, and there are whales swimming around with the tips of 200-year-old ivory spears still lodged in their flesh.

2.5 Billion Beats


Hummingbird – Getty Images

By the time you turn 70, your heart will have beat 2.5 billion times. On average, the heart pumps 377 litres of blood around your body every 60 seconds, and beats more than 100,000 times per day. In comparison, a typical hummingbird’s heart beats around 1200 times per minute.  That translates into 500 billion times in 70 years – but unfortunately hummingbirds do not live that long, only up to 5 years – 7.7 billion times.

Oddball Effect


Andreas Vesalius Fabrica, published in 1543

A new experience will always seem to stay longer in your memory than older ones. This is called the oddball effect, and it is the reason that time seems to speed up as you get older.

Time Slows When You’re Having Fun

According to a psychological study, the old adage “time flies when you’re having fun” isn’t quite true. In fact, it’s just the opposite. When people were listening to music they enjoyed, time seemed to pass more slowly. This could be because people pay more attention to things they like, which slows their perception of time.

Time well spent!

MonkeyThere are thousands of websites dedicated to interesting facts about time.  Just a brief snippet of highlights of time here proves that we should use our time wisely as we only have one chance or limited opportunities to use it!.

Do you have the time?  Yes, we all do. Let’s spend our time wisely and without regrets. 



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